Marketing Director

“The Marketing Director is responsible for the overall marketing strategy for all product lines”


The Marketing Director is responsible for the overall marketing strategy for all product lines. They span multiple products and are concerned with the alignment of market positioning, messaging and go-to-market plans across all products. They set the market differentiation approach for the business and ensure alignment between marketing activities and sales channels.


As Marketing Director, I want to be able to ensure that our go-to-market plans are practical and achievable. I want to be comfortable that all our product lines fit with a consistent marketing strategy, providing a coherent set of offerings to the market and offering many opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling. I need to have good data about our customers that I can analyze across products in a reliable way that gives me useful information.

Value Add from Continuous Delivery

  • Being able to verify consistency across products
  • Being able to standardize and re-use data collection and analysis tools
  • Being able to react quickly to changing market conditions
  • Being able to react quickly to unexpected failures and demonstrate mature process for managing risk
Last modified August 22, 2022: Added additional Views and Viewpoints (e15536d)