Delivery Manager

“The Delivery Manager’s role is supporting the scaling process”


The Delivery Manager’s role is supporting the scaling process. They are responsible for knocking down barriers and getting approvals in place to allow the team to deliver product at pace. They coordinate dependencies across teams and help coach Agile process and rituals.


As a Delivery Manager, I want to be able to optimize my resource usage and delivery time, so that I can meet my Objectives and Key Results. I want to be sure that business process is supporting my team and not getting in the way of them delivering product to customers. I want knowledge to scale easily across all my teams so I can grow as fast as the business needs for the product to attain market leadership. I want a clear picture of the state of my product at any moment in time, so I can manage the delivery effectively.

Value Add from Continuous Delivery

  • Being able to automate large parts of the business governance process to avoid manual decision-making and sign-off delays
  • Having standard processes for all parts of the product release, so teams always know what they are doing
  • Having great observability, so it is always clear what state the product is currently in
  • Having processes that can be scaled at minimal overhead, so the business can scale at the necessary pace
  • Having the business and engineering teams aligned so that approvals to go live are simple and trustworthy
  • Being able to recover rapidly from the unexpected
Last modified August 22, 2022: Added additional Views and Viewpoints (e15536d)